Sunday, March 17, 2013

Almost three years later...

It is almost three years from my last entry and three years from when I graduated law school. 

The multitude of changes that have transpired these last three years are unbelievable.  My life has somehow turned out nowhere near what I had sort of mapped out in my head.  It is as if I took a detour and tumbled down a rabbit hole in so many aspects of my life.

Case summary of my life?
(1) Took the Bar, didn't pass. Rinse, repeat - pass.
(2) Got laid off. Got up, brushed myself off, and found a great new job.
(3) Got married somewhere in all of that mess, subsequently, I am going through a divorce.

All this before I reach the age of 30, hell, the age of 29. I'm only about three months shy of my 29th birthday.  Conclusion? You never know what to expect in your life.  I never sat there day dreaming all the details of my life but I had a rough, nebulous idea in my head.  This was not it.  Only one thing is certain - I am not standing still.

London Calling! The Finer Things: Museums & Tea Time

In late January, I traveled across the pond to join the hubs in London for the first stop of my 2018 world tour.  Despite venturing to Engla...