Thursday, May 31, 2018

London Calling! The Finer Things: Museums & Tea Time

In late January, I traveled across the pond to join the hubs in London for the first stop of my 2018 world tour.  Despite venturing to England for the first time only five months earlier in August 2017 (fodder for a later entry on that inaugural London trip), I was very excited to come back.
Classic Telephone Booth Photo Op outside of the British Museum
London, England January 2018 - courtesy of Mashi Scanlan 

A little bit of my personal travel history: I had never been to Europe until June 2015 and I had only very limited experience with international travel until that time.  All other trips prior to that were family road trips (5 of us jammed into a car with me reading for hours on end) to close destinations such as San Francisco and Las Vegas. My limited experience with international travel consisted of two trips to Toronto as a child, an afternoon visiting Tijuana with my family as a child, and a trip to Jamaica in 2011. Since 2015 most of my international travel has been in tandem with Mashi's work schedule.  Thus, he flies somewhere internationally for business, and I join him a few days later for vacation.  These upcoming trips were going to be different - although there would be pockets of vacation time with Mashi, I would be exploring these cities on my own for the most part. 

This trip to London was from January 26-30, 2018. This visit was much shorter than my nearly week long stay in August 2017. I took this opportunity to explore places that I did not hit up during my initial trip (which was filled with many touristy stops - Abbey Road, Sherlock Holmes's house, Kings Cross, Buckingham Palace, etc.).  Despite this extra time in London, there are still so many things to see and hopefully, someday, I'll get an opportunity to return.

England is the country of all things Harry Potter and the Beatles; however, it is also the country of amazing museums with free admission (donations are strongly encouraged).  I decided to take full advantage of this while Mashi worked GP London. After landing, I recharged and dealt with jetlag the first two days. I visited the ExCel Convention Center to spend some time at GP London.  Although I decided to seize this opportunity to see the world, it was equally important to me to spend time with Mashi and experience his life on the road firsthand. It was an awesome ride because not only did I see Mashi in action but I met people (and magic players & judges) from all over the world.
A glimpse of GP London at the ExCel Convention Center.
London, England 2018 

Mashi & Me at the Judge Party at Aloft by ExCel
London, England 2018

Getting Cultured at the National Portrait Gallery and National Gallery
After doing some research and polling amongst some awesome English Magic judges, I decided that I would hit up the National Portrait Gallery and the National Gallery on this trip and save the rest for future trips (Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Natural History, etc.).  The Galleries are funded by the Royal Family and admission is free.  Both Galleries are located next to each other in Trafalgar Square.  I figured I would kill two birds with one stone - go to both museums and see the square. I am a lover of art and one of my favorite artist is the bad boy of Renaissance art, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Since I started traveling internationally a few years ago, I like to try to see as many Caravaggios as I can and take selfies with them.  This trip was no exception and I could achieve my goals at The National Gallery.
My selfie with Caravaggio's The Supper at Emmaus
The National Gallery,  London, England 2018
After jumping out of my uber, I stumbled upon the National Portrait Gallery first.  My main focus was the National Gallery itself (for the Caravaggios and then some) but I enjoyed my time going through the Portrait Gallery as well. It was quite packed when I arrived in the early afternoon.  The Portrait Gallery contains portraits of more contemporary British icons (members of the Royal Family and the Beatles) but also historical ones (Shakespeare and Jane Austen).  It was a fun experience and served as the perfect visual appetizer to the National Gallery.
Some of my favorites - Jane Austen as rendered by her sister, Princess Diana, and Paul McCartney
National Portrait Gallery, London, England 2018 
After having my fill of the portraits, I ambled across the way to have some lunch (and wine of course) and take in all the art offered at the National Gallery.  To date the National Gallery has been one of my favorite museum experiences because of the excellent audio guide and the outstanding selection of work from so many artists throughout many different periods of art history.  We are talking about several works from Van Gogh (one of the most crowded areas), Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Degas, and the list goes on.  I only had a few hours in the museum but I wish I spent all day there.
The Van Goghs on display.
The National Gallery, London, England 2018 
I stayed until closing time and was herded out to the square by security.  Trafalgar Square was still teeming with tourists that evening. It's a beautiful and busy square that houses Britain's smallest police station (you can spot it by facing the street from the steps of the Gallery and look towards your left).  It has also been the site for many protests through out history.
Trafalgar Square with The National Gallery in the background
London, England 2018 
Nelson's Column
Trafalgar Square, London, England 2018

British Museum - Mummies and Teatime 

After GP London ended, Mashi had one free day in London with me - we took this opportunity to sightsee and eat Indian food together.  Since we were both fascinated with ancient Egypt as children (who am I kidding? we are still fascinated), we decided to visit the British Museum for the Egyptian art and mummies.
Ramesses II.
British Museum, London, England 2018
Upon entering the British Museum, Mashi and I took in the glorious rotunda.  Unfortunately, I was so stunned at how beautiful it was I did not get a picture. The rotunda allows all the natural light to come in and light up the center of the museum. We took in the beautiful atmosphere with some delicious eats and drinks at the Court Restaurant.  Mashi loves tea time and so he indulged in some afternoon tea service available at the restaurant.

Tea service and cute china at the Court Restaurant.
British Museum, London, England 2018 

The British Museum did not disappoint us.  There were so many things to see - including not only all the Ancient Egyptian artifacts but also the Rosetta Stone and many other collections (Asia and Ancient Greece & Rome to name a few). 
Mashi and I were not disappointed with the Egyptian artifacts.
British Museum, London, England 2018

After spending all day getting lost among ancient relics, we headed out into the evening and enjoyed London at night. 
British Museum
London, England 2018 

Inside the gates of the British Museum
London, England 2018 

Indian Food - Dishoom Part Deux 
When Mashi and I visited London during our August vacation, we ate our fair share of fish and chips but we were most impressed with the Indian food.  We ventured to Brick Lane to partake in as much Indian fare as we could.  We also paid a visit to Dishoom.  After we explored the British Museum, we window shopped and walked through London's theater district to revisit Dishoom.

Dishoom - London, England 2018 
Dishoom is a little bit more posh than some of the restaurants you will find along Brick Lane but the dishes are just as delicious. There are a few locations but we went to the one by England's Theater district.  It was nice to stroll through London at night and then stand in line to get into Dishoom.  Although there always seems to be at least a bit of a line, it moves rather quickly and they serve you tea while you wait (chai or mint - both delicious).   It is worth the wait for the hip ambiance, cuisine, and cocktails.

Langshott Manor: Tea Time Before Gatwick 
After our final day of sightseeing, we hopped in a car heading towards Gatwick to catch our flight to our next adventure in Bilbao, Spain.  As always, Mashi was in search of his next tea time. Some men love golf, my man loves Earl Grey and scones. In August we had afternoon tea at Sketch in the heart of London- it was trendy and quirky.  This time we opted for something different. We made a detour for some pinkies up tea time at Langshott Manor in Surrey.

The Minis at Langshott Manor.
Surrey, England 2018 

This has been one of my favorite places we have had tea. It was like having tea at an English countryside cottage. Langshott Manor is a picturesque hotel with a restaurant that has an afternoon tea service. We sat in comfy armchairs by a fireside and enjoyed some scones, sandwiches, tea, and champagne.  After tea we explored the grounds while we waited for our taxi. I highly recommend making a stop here if you are around Gatwick. It was the perfect way to close out our trip. Cheers!
Enjoying tea inside Langshott Manor.
Surrey, England 2018 

The spread before the cakes, scones, and sandwiches arrived.  

The Minis exploring the grounds and admiring the sundial.
Surrey, England 2018 
✈️✈️✈️My next stop on the road? Spain! First stop - Bilbao, final destination - Barcelona!  

Saturday, April 14, 2018

2018 - The Year of My Return to LA and My Globetrotting Adventures

We are four months into 2018 and I am taking this moment to reflect on everything that has happened these last few months.  One of the most notable events has been my return to LA, my home. As true of most Angelenos, I am a transplant to LA circa 1993 (by way of Atlanta to San Francisco to Pittsburgh to LA, specifically, Glendale).  Growing up in LA, I am no doubt a product of LA and I am so happy to be back with my family and closest friends. 

Melrose - January 2018 courtesy of Tiffany Ou

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in San Jose despite being perpetually homesick. I will miss being able to have easy access to a myriad of Vietnamese restaurants.  More importantly, I will miss all the friends I made and the great firm I had to leave to come home.  During my few years up in NorCal, I was able to truly come into my own as an attorney. I cannot be more thankful for the invaluable experience and knowledge I gained from working at Lonich & Patton. I am also grateful that I was afforded the opportunity to give back to the Vietnamese community through VABANC.  My time participating in the San Jose Legal Clinic was particularly fulfilling.

If things were so peachy up north (minus some homesickness), why the return to LA? My husband's job. As many of you know, Mashi works for Channel Fireball. What does that mean exactly??? Well, explaining what Mashi does for a living to those not familiar with the game Magic the Gathering often results in blank stares, polite nods, and utters of 'ohhh, okay.' I am also so often faced with the inevitable question, what does your husband do again? It reminds me of the running gag on a sitcom like not knowing what Chandler does for a living on Friends or what Barney actually does at GNB on How I Met Your Mother.  Regardless of the specific details, Mashi travels a LOT for part of his job. Towards the end of 2017, we found out he would be traveling exponentially more than he had in the past.  Thus, we decided to move back so I could be around family and friends when he would be away.

           Before I Die... see the world. If you look really hard you can read the orange 'see the world' I chalked in.
Downtown Knoxville - January 2018 courtesy of Denise Le

Although I am less than thrilled with the amount of time my hubs will be away from me and our doggies in the upcoming years, I am unbelievably grateful that all of his travel allows us to see the world together. We are by no means wealthy or even well to do by LA or Silicon Valley standards but thanks to his job, seeing the world is a bit more affordable.  With the travel required for his job, stand by tickets (courtesy of my mother in law), and cheap airbnbs, I have been able to start completing my goal of seeing the world before I die without going bankrupt.  It is such an amazing blessing.  It is the silver lining to our days and weeks apart.  

After moving back to SoCal right before Christmas, I decided to take advantage of my time being in between jobs and pack a (very heavy) suitcase to tag along with Mashi to see the world.  I've been to 9 different countries in 4 months. Half the time I think I'm dreaming or living someone else's life. It has been an amazing experience. However, all good things must come to an end. As I type this entry in Sydney, Australia, I am on the last of my international trips for the foreseeable future.  It is the perfect time to reflect on my travels and utilize the thousands of photographs I have taken on my trips.  So for this aimless and currently bare blog, I have some direction for the next few entries - I will be sharing my experiences and pictures from abroad. Come along for the ride and go around the world with me as I reminisce. Enjoy! 
Carousel at Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France - March 2018 courtesy of Mashi Scanlan
Melrose, Los Angeles, CA - January 2018 courtesy of Tiffany Ou

London Calling! The Finer Things: Museums & Tea Time

In late January, I traveled across the pond to join the hubs in London for the first stop of my 2018 world tour.  Despite venturing to Engla...