Saturday, April 14, 2018

2018 - The Year of My Return to LA and My Globetrotting Adventures

We are four months into 2018 and I am taking this moment to reflect on everything that has happened these last few months.  One of the most notable events has been my return to LA, my home. As true of most Angelenos, I am a transplant to LA circa 1993 (by way of Atlanta to San Francisco to Pittsburgh to LA, specifically, Glendale).  Growing up in LA, I am no doubt a product of LA and I am so happy to be back with my family and closest friends. 

Melrose - January 2018 courtesy of Tiffany Ou

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in San Jose despite being perpetually homesick. I will miss being able to have easy access to a myriad of Vietnamese restaurants.  More importantly, I will miss all the friends I made and the great firm I had to leave to come home.  During my few years up in NorCal, I was able to truly come into my own as an attorney. I cannot be more thankful for the invaluable experience and knowledge I gained from working at Lonich & Patton. I am also grateful that I was afforded the opportunity to give back to the Vietnamese community through VABANC.  My time participating in the San Jose Legal Clinic was particularly fulfilling.

If things were so peachy up north (minus some homesickness), why the return to LA? My husband's job. As many of you know, Mashi works for Channel Fireball. What does that mean exactly??? Well, explaining what Mashi does for a living to those not familiar with the game Magic the Gathering often results in blank stares, polite nods, and utters of 'ohhh, okay.' I am also so often faced with the inevitable question, what does your husband do again? It reminds me of the running gag on a sitcom like not knowing what Chandler does for a living on Friends or what Barney actually does at GNB on How I Met Your Mother.  Regardless of the specific details, Mashi travels a LOT for part of his job. Towards the end of 2017, we found out he would be traveling exponentially more than he had in the past.  Thus, we decided to move back so I could be around family and friends when he would be away.

           Before I Die... see the world. If you look really hard you can read the orange 'see the world' I chalked in.
Downtown Knoxville - January 2018 courtesy of Denise Le

Although I am less than thrilled with the amount of time my hubs will be away from me and our doggies in the upcoming years, I am unbelievably grateful that all of his travel allows us to see the world together. We are by no means wealthy or even well to do by LA or Silicon Valley standards but thanks to his job, seeing the world is a bit more affordable.  With the travel required for his job, stand by tickets (courtesy of my mother in law), and cheap airbnbs, I have been able to start completing my goal of seeing the world before I die without going bankrupt.  It is such an amazing blessing.  It is the silver lining to our days and weeks apart.  

After moving back to SoCal right before Christmas, I decided to take advantage of my time being in between jobs and pack a (very heavy) suitcase to tag along with Mashi to see the world.  I've been to 9 different countries in 4 months. Half the time I think I'm dreaming or living someone else's life. It has been an amazing experience. However, all good things must come to an end. As I type this entry in Sydney, Australia, I am on the last of my international trips for the foreseeable future.  It is the perfect time to reflect on my travels and utilize the thousands of photographs I have taken on my trips.  So for this aimless and currently bare blog, I have some direction for the next few entries - I will be sharing my experiences and pictures from abroad. Come along for the ride and go around the world with me as I reminisce. Enjoy! 
Carousel at Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France - March 2018 courtesy of Mashi Scanlan
Melrose, Los Angeles, CA - January 2018 courtesy of Tiffany Ou


  1. I cant wait to read about your travel journey! Glad to see you back in the states safe! Xoxo


London Calling! The Finer Things: Museums & Tea Time

In late January, I traveled across the pond to join the hubs in London for the first stop of my 2018 world tour.  Despite venturing to Engla...